Ruben & Lullaby now available on the App Store!

Animation, Announcements, Comics, Fun, Games, iPhone, Opertoon,

Screenshot from Ruben & Lullaby

A screenshot from Ruben & Lullaby.

Well, almost exactly six months after I got my iPhone, I’m happy to announce that Ruben & Lullaby, my first game for the iPhone and iPod touch, is now available on the App Store. Ruben & Lullaby is the first of a planned series of “opertoons”—stories you play like musical instruments—and I’m very excited about how this project has turned out. Many thanks to Ezra Claytan Daniels, who did the wonderful illustrations for the project and has been a great collaborator along the way. Thanks also to beta testers George Loyer, Mitchell Whitelaw, and Greg J. Smith for invaluable feedback.

You can learn more about Ruben & Lullaby at or head directly to the App Store for your hit of motion-controlled narrative goodness!